Friday, November 14, 2014


"Now from a perspective of being a apart of the pro wrestling fraternity, FANS are EXTREMELY important in the development of your career. They can either make you or break you, it's that simple! I remembered in the Carolinas those dedicated FANS supported "the boys" to make their dreams come true but it was up to them. The important factors to anyone's career is the integrity and the support from the FANS period! I see in the music business all this talk about investors or whatnot but what about those FANS in general? How do you artists actually know what those FANS feel about you? Do you have fan appreciation events, community and church awareness events or appearances, internet meet and greets, face to face convos and of course, open mic events. So it takes FANS to make a superstar, ask The Rock, Ric Flair, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and even Kobe Bryant and Lebron! Now ask yourself do you really work for those FANS or are those FANS really working you? Hey interesting question of the day and think what do they REALLY think of me??

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